Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Twice Beaten, Once Shy

I consider myself the No. 1 lover of the Woman race. No, I'm not a womaniser (ok, maybe I am in a way) but I just love women. I actually believe they were the ones being referred to when the Bible used the phrase "fearfully and wonderfully made". I recall one chick I was trying to convince in those days. At a point, my pleas must have gotten too tiring for her that she blurted out: "I don't know what you like in me, sef! I'm skinny (true), ugly (totally untrue), I have little boobs (very true), and I'm not so smart (slightly true)."

I just smiled and said: "I like you because you are a woman..." Those were tose days sha.

It's also no big secret that I'm not so particularly in love with football. Don't blame me. Blame those junior Okochas who never chose me during football practice not even as goalkeeper! My short-sight was actually to blame but I never forgave them for killing a young man's dream just like that.

However I am a great supporter and fanatical fan of the Nigerian female football team (and all female sport teams for that matter).But I couldn't reconcile my love for them with the fact that they got trashed fair and square in the ongoing Olympic Games in Beijing. I almost burst a blood vessel chearing them on only to be solely disappointed in the end.

Anyway, I'm not going to analyse the hows or whys of how we got beaten but I felt there should have just been a little more bit of committment on their part, especially Cynthia Uwak. And Sarah Michael's efforts came just too late.

I still love women and I'm still their fan but I think I'll stop watching their matches for now.

Got to go now. A guy in this cafe is reading every single word I'm writing as I type this. This cafe, sef... (BIG HISS!!!)


Lady said...

U LIKE WOMEN HUH??? lean closer lemme whisper summin in ur ear......

Rayo said...

u stalker, lol. thanks 4 dropn by my blog. i dont get how d falcons lost those matches eida, mayb i shld go syn up wit them, change dir luck

Sisem E. Naidem said...

@ Lady Koko: Thanks for dropping by. Gratefully, I'm out of Lag so I guess I can't bitch about that cafe and it's creeps. Confronted the idiot and he said he just wanted to use the PC after me. As for whispering in my ear, babe I'm leaning so hard, I look like the Tower of Pisa right now...
@ Rayo: Good of you to drop by. And I'll keep stalking your blog too... As for joining the Falcons, PURLEAZZZE DO!!! It'll give me one more reason for watching their matches, if you get my meaning...

Chari said...

dude how u liking the new found attention?


Anywhooo...mehn...I have stopped watching Naija matches abeg...Long ago I said no mooree!! No freaking more but what did I do last? I flew to Ghana to watch our match with Cote d'Ivoire and I was grossly disappointed..since then no more Naija matches for me mehn even table tennis sef!